2 captcha fail unable to solve captcha plz help
I m getting error in filling recaptcha 2.0 using new api function.Getting CAPTCHA_FAIL : m error.Plz help me.I used this video as help https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3AXjUH08qxg
But it not solved my problem.http://prntscr.com/exwxre
i m using https://2captcha.com
I haven't gotten a Captcha Fail error yet but I've been getting a lot of wrong captchas error's via the websites's end with the new API from 2captcha. Been taking 1-4 retries along with waiting 60+ seconds for solving.
@baldeepo Do you have anything, that may modify your internet trafic? Antivirus, Captchasniper or anything like that?
Information from that page may also be usefull https://2captcha.com/statistics/realtime_monitor
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@support Как решить keycaptcha?